Tuesday 6 October 2015

My Life in Canary Island

I have not posted for a couple of month, Life is slowly settling in to a rhythm. I still get every day new things i am not prepared for lol. My Spanish is coming slowly together. When i had to learn English i was 33 years younger, the old brain is not what it used to be. Certain words i can not remember. And the past and future and present get all muddled up. But i am proud to say i go everywhere by myself and explore sites, buy bus tickets,go shopping. Even when i have to look 30 minutes for an ingredient. My first funny encounter right at the beginning was when i bought softener instead washing powder to wash my cloth. I wondered why my dirty cloth did not get really clean.
Sundays is always market with a lot of cheap things, they have a lot of people from north Africa here. Morocco is very close, From the Island Fuerteventura on a clear day you can see the coast of Africa.

The Market is at the Puerto where the big Cruisers come in, so there are are always lots of tourists. All you can hear is the stall sellers calling out  (todo dos euro euro) all just two euro. I have learnt a few things along the way. For example: 1.you cant translate sayings from English to Spanish. 2 You cant take the country with you when you relocate. 3 Literally translating does not work. 4 Don't always say in Australia we do bla bla bla. 5 When people talk loud with hand and feet it does not mean they are angry. 6 Banks close at 2 pm. 7. Its harder to make friends here. 8 It is pretty safe to walk at nights on the streets. 9 Food is one of the most important things 10 Give your stomach time to adjust to all the different dishes. ( i was sick a lot at the beginning).
11.Toast bread comes without crust.The fashion is completely different here.
It only rains very seldom, and the streets are always full of people. Life gets busy to a late hour of the night. Every bar, restaurant no matter how tiny has at least 2 tables on the street. Bars and little restaurants are plenty. The people are friendly and helpful. 
I hope i have given you some more insight of my life here in Canary Island

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